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Antonio Marcegaglia all’EY Capri Digital Summit 2017

25 October, 2017 3454 137 No Comments


Antonio Marcegaglia spoke at the closing day of the EY Digital Summit 2017, entitled “Where innovation becomes experience, value, business” and held in Capri (Italy) from 4th to 6th October 2017. The topic of the meeting, chaired by the journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore Luca De Biase, was “Industry 4.0”.

Antonio Marcegaglia è intervenuto alla giornata conclusiva dell’EY Digital Summit 2017, dal titolo “Where innovation becomes experience, value, business”, che si è tenuto a Capri dal 4 al 6 ottobre 2017. Tema dell’incontro con il giornalista de Il Sole 24 Ore Luca De Biase è stata l’industria 4.0.